Monday, September 10, 2012

The tattoo trend

I went home on Sunday for dinner with the family, and on the TV programme, 'Sunday' was a feature about New Zealand women and their tattoos. According to them, New Zealand women are the most tattooed women in the world, which is scary, but believable. It was an interesting feature, which got me thinking about just how much our lives are changing, and the more accepting we are becoming of sub-cultures like this. In some cases, this post relates to a previous one about young girls and how fast they are growing up. Tattoos are something I don't desire to have but I'm not completely against them. This is vastly different to the generation above me (including my mum) who sat there gobsmacked at the television because she does not understand why anyone would get ink on their skin.

The woman featured in the programme was going through the process of getting all her tattoos removed. She got her first one when she was 14, but has decided that she doesn't want to be ''that'' person anymore. She looked like such a gorgeous woman, but had bright coloured tattoos all down her arms which makes the public perceive her differently.

It seems to me, that although older people aren't so accepting of them, young people are becoming much more understanding of friends or other people with tattoos, because it's part of the norm now. We have grown up with it all around us, and for me personally, I believe it's the individuals decision, and if they one day regret this decision, they only have themselves to blame.

Some of the small tattoos I've seen, I actually do quite like, but the sleeves I'm just not so keen on. This one below is a bit intense for my liking.

Although....Celebs like Katy Perry, Lea Michele (has 14!!) and Miley Cyrus all have quite a few small tattoos, which may seem desirable for people of my age (and some of which I think are quite cute -  just don't tell my mum.)

Although I'm not saying, "don't ever get one of those, they are hideous," just because I have no intention of getting inked (my friends would laugh and wonder what I've done) I would just hope that young girls don't go jumping into anything, and that they double think how their actions could impact their future.

Here's a really interesting article which shows just how the NZ tattoo culture has changed

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