Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stop. Growing. Up

Today in class, we talked about how the media shows children/teenagers, and what should be shown and so forth. This bought up the debate about James Webster, who died after drinking a bottle of vodka in May 2010 and how he was perceived by the general public. 

It has become apparent to me, that these teenagers are growing up way to fast, and the risks that some of them are taking are seriously just not worth it. This got me thinking about what teenagers are doing these day, and how they show it. For young girls, Tumblr is the new craze, and many of these girls Tumblrs show alcohol, smoking and sex. They are portraying themselves in such a demeaning manner that shocks me. 

I'm no saint, but when I was 15, I was taking selfies with my friends and having sleepovers with girls, not boys. It would never have crossed my mind to repost photos of girls smoking, drinking and having sex. It's like some people have no understanding, that what they put on the internet, is on the internet forever and anyone can see it. The saying YOLO (you only live once) gets chucked around when this debate comes up, and although this is somewhat true, you can live your life a little less wildly, and still have fun. Here's a few photos I found that had been reposted, these are some of the most tame images, and this is nothing that I would personally post. 

Does anyone else find this crazy for teenagers to be thinking about? Or is it just me? 

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