Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Friday.

Now, since I'm on holiday I thought I should be a kind daughter and head home to the farm to help Dad get started with docking. All the little lambies are happily running around with their mums at the moment, but realistically, their tails need to go - so yesterday, we spent the afternoon on the farm.

 This was a perfect opportunity to take more photos for my assignment, {It was a stunning spring day - perfect sun for a tan I thought. Unfortunately - I'm still as white as I was when I started - ugh} These photos are some of my favourites. 

Yes that is a ewe - and that little thing next to it is the teeniest lamb ever. Brand new but oh so cute.

Again... Dogs love having their photo taken. 

I thought this image captured "farm life" so perfectly. Dogs, sheep, camouflage truck. 

Hope you all have a fab weekend. Weekend for me = working :( Hard life being a student you know, I love it. Ex o


  1. Wow! What lovely farm you have. What do you eman by "their tails need to go"? Is this necessary?

  2. Thankyou! The lambs tails need to be removed so they don't get infected with their own poo (yuck I know) but it makes them stay healthy so that's why we do it.
