Thursday, November 22, 2012

Top 5: Things I Love

When in need of blog inspiration, I pop over to Fat Mum Slim's blog (Chantelle Ellem - Australian blogger who I've mentioned before) and see what she's been up to. She blogs a lot about food and recipes, and although I love food and cooking, because I'm on a student budget, I don't bake that often, and if there is baking in my flat, it's gone within a day. You may see a few recipes here and there (mums famous aioli which is here) but I'm going to start something called "Top 5." 

Once in a while, I'll do my top 5 on different things. Could be my top 5 movies, top 5 songs, top 5 shops, you get my drift. So todays "top 5" is things I love. Read on and you'll get a bit of an idea of what I love at the moment. 

One. Polka dots. 

How could you not? Anyone who knows me, knows I am obsessed with polka dots. Mainly red and white, but polka dots are polka dots. A lot of what I own is polka dots, including the cutlery in our flat, as well as half my wardrobe. I think I got the polka dot bug from my darling mother though, it's contagious. 

Two. #YOLO

Yes, I know it's overused and everyone is sick of it. But seriously, whoever came up with this saying had it all sorted. You do only live once, and although it shouldn't be an excuse to do anything silly, I think it's quite a relevant saying. Apologies to you if you don't. I may have even bought these wall letters the other day, but don't tell anyone. Yolo. 

Three. Typo

If you haven't heard of Typo, where have you been living? The perfect place for stationary, room decorations, calendars, the list goes on. Typo has finally made it to Hamilton's Cotton On store which I am so happy about, cos before this I would just get Typo things for pressies or I'd buy from Australia. So wooohoo Hamilton, wooohoo Typo. My lanterns, bunting and my yolo hashtag letters are all purchased from Typo, and it's not to spensy either which makes it so worthwhile. 

Four. Chuck Taylors

A must have for the wardrobe, Chucks are the perfect shoe to wear with anything, anywhere. I've had one pair of black chucks for the last year or so, but I decided I deserved new ones so these are my new babies. So comfy yet they don't look too bad either. 

Five. We Heart It. 

One of my favourite online photo sharing websites. Most of the photos I use are from we heart it. I find it easier and more simple than Tumblr and I can use tags to find photos. Whether you are looking for inspiration photos, Zac Efron photos {I have lots if you want them. What a babe.} or photos which make you want to go to the beach, you'll find it on we heart it. 

So that's my top 5 things I love right now. What are you enjoying? Summer? Holidays? Your camera? Asos? These things could be on my list next time. Til next time oxo


  1. Hello Olivia, haven't been here in a while and just love reading your posts. Love your % things though I've never heard of Yolo. May visit 'we heart it'.
    May you have a lovely holidays and even though it's way too early, wishes of Merry Christmas sent your way.


  2. Thanks so much Lili, glad you enjoy reading my blog! Yolo is just a phrase for "you only live once" which so many people are using at the moment. Merry Christmas to you too!
