Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When to say, he's mine?

When you were 12, 13, 14, your friends would ask boys out for you, true? After a few days when you were over it, you'd text them to tell them it's totes over babes, and that would be that. So when we're 19, 20, 21, how does one even get to the point where that guy you've been seeing for a while, is actually your boyfriend? Two friends of mine are both in this sitch, and everyone needs some advice. Since I did the "hey i've met you once or twice, wana go out?" text..(It kind of stuck and we've been together ever since - i know, don't judge) .. I'm not exactly the best person to give advice.

There's no rules on this kind of thing is there, which sucks. But what do you do? Is it the guys responsibility to take it for the team, spoil her and ask her to be his girlfriend? Or should it be a mutual decision where you both decide that you've been on a few dates, you may or may not have stayed over a few times so could it be more than a "thing?" Or, sadly, is it when you're official on Facebook? (So sad, but so 2012.)

Personally... (Even in my lack of experience) I say it should be a mutual decision whether or not you say you're "together." If you're too nervous to bring it up with them and ask where you stand and why you're spending so much time together, maybe it's not worth it? As long as you're happy and you're having fun, then it's up to you whether or not you even have a title. So what if they aren't your usual kind of guy, change is good, and you never know what could come out of something little.

Good luck girlfriends! 
You go glen coco xx

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