This may be a bit of a more serious post, which isn't usually me, but something has to be said. Recently, I've found myself listening or seeing people complain about the lives that they live and how everything is "just so bad." I think of myself as a reasonably positive person (usually!) and so when I hear my friends, family or acquaintances complain about the smallest of issues, it really grinds my gears.
I get that life can be hard, but life is full of challenges (corny - I know) but sometimes we just have to pull through and be thankful for what we do have, rather than what we don't. Sometimes I just want to say to people.. Think about what you are complaining about. Are you alive and living? Do you have a roof over your head? Are you fed every day? It sometimes just takes a little nudge of reality for people to realise that they are blessed.
I found this on we heart it the other day, and it stood out to me
This is really simple right? Yet so many people are living their lives doing things they hate. People who are just out of university are in jobs they dislike. What is the point in this? I know that in this day and age, it's hard to get a job but who is to say that you shouldn't enjoy what you do? We spend thousands on university, don't waste that. I haven't even finished my degree yet, but I know that there is no way I'll sit at a job that I don't enjoy. Life is way to short, live it well.
This is what a tutor told me to do at the beginning of the year, and I did. Changed my major in my degree 'cos I didn't know where I was going.
And lastly.. Some of the stuff I have seen on other blogs recently has been completely the opposite to "classy." Don't be silly on the internet, everyone can see it. Just be classy, fabulous, positive and driven and I'm sure you'll live a much happier life.
Sorry about the wee rant that I went on, some people just need to look at their lives and be grateful for what they have been blessed with.
So why don't you just take a step back, look at your life, and how lucky you are to have it? Pretty good isn't it? End of rant. Hope you all had a beautiful weekend, love x